Thursday, 26 May 2011

Australia Invests in Nuclear Weapons

The Future Fund, was set up by the Australian Government from the sale of their remaining stake in  Telstra in 2006, The Fund was intended to help the government pay it's future superannuation obligations. Recently released records (obtained under FOI laws) show that the Fund has invested over $130 million in companies that design, produce and maintain nuclear weapons. This includes investment in companies that are building nuclear armed submarines for India, a non signatory to the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty.

The good news is that recently the Future Fund sold out of their holdings of companies manufacturing cluster bombs.

The Future Fund was set up using the proceeds from the sale of the Governement's holding of Telstra. It is our money. So where else is 'our money' (read YOUR money) invested. A two minute search shows that investors in one of the largest and most well known super funds in Queensland invests in uranium mining. The same fund has investments in Exxon Mobil and BP.

As ever, if you are comfortable with these types of investments, then it is business as usual. However, if you are not, and do not wish to support them, or wish to actively activate against them, you can.

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