Monday, 2 January 2012

Happy New Eco-year!!

Happy New Year everyone.

This year, we really saw in the New Year in style.

For us, the holiday period is really about spending time with family and friends, and we got the opportunity to spend 3 days at the eco retreat that is owned by some friends of ours. What's more, we got to enjoy their company, and that of another family of lovely people.

The retreat is only a 2 hour drive from Brisbane, and available for letting. There are mountains, walking tracks, swimming holes, clean air and fantastic views of the surrounds, and, on a clear night, the stars and planets.

The house (above) is situated on land overlooking a gorge. It has solar power, a composting toilet, and a great story on how it got to be where it is now.

Relaxing in the falls, and exploring the area was a great way to start the year and focus on the things that were really important.

In planning your finances, I believe that there are some basic fundamentals that don't change whether we are in the midst of a boom, or when times aren't so good. They are:
  1. Spend less than you earn, and do something smart with the difference;
  2. Use debt, but use it wisely, and to a level that is comfortable (and even conservative);
  3. Ensure you are protected against the things that you can't control.
Being able to spend some time away from distractions with the people most important to me allows me to remember the reasons why I am doing what I am doing with our business, and ensures we keep our eyes on those fundamentals for our family, and for our clients.

Finding the balance between working and lifestyle can be tough, but a few days spent with family and friends in the fresh air has helped us to remember why we are doing all of this, and what is important to us.


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